I'm Cristiano De Michele and very recently I got involved
in OpenMosix(OM: http://www.openmosix.org) 
project (Sourceforge ID=demichel).
Linux box I use is Debian of course and actually I have Debian
SID installed.
What I noticed is that openmosix packages are really out to date
so I wonder whether these packages are orphaned or not.
I sent also an email to current maintainer some days ago
(Viral Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) but I did not receive any reply yet.

In any case I autoconf-ized userspacetools and I added to them all
needed files to build the debian packages and I built packages using
latest sources of OM from CVS.
Maybe having write permissions to OM CVS repository I'll commit
also all this work soon.

Can I contribute anyhow to Debian sending my debian packages I built?
If yes, how can I do that?
I think it will be useful for debian community to have up to date
openmosix packages, in fact I read several people complaining about this
on OM mailing lists thanks for your attention,

                                                        best regards            

  Cristiano De Michele,
  Department of Physics,
  University "Federico II" of Naples

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