"I'm shocked no one packaged Icecat after all these years. Icecat is
absolutely a package to have in Debian, and it's more in line with DFSG
than Firefox is. This is the browser Debian should have used all these
years instead of Iceweasel. Icecat's additional features over Firefox
are all opt-in, so anyone who don't want them will have no problem, and
there is no telemetry enabled by default. It's also worth noting that
adopting Icecat as the default browser in Debian would avoid any
conflict with Mozilla in the future (although they appear to be solved
now, no one can predict what will happen in the future) and will join
the efforts of the GNU team with the Debian team for a better free
browser that will get more attention in all the Debian-based distributions."

I didn't said that but I agree with him, iceCat has been there for a while and 
it's a good alternative if you like firefox, you're concern about privacy and 
all that stuff and you don't know much about compiling source code or patching 
firefox (That's my case), please if you can... Make installing IceCat in debian 
a thing...

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