EPICS is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System.
 This package installs the library for Python 3 and a collection
 of EPICS applications, including:
 * AreaDetector Display to view EPICS Area Detector images
 * Step Scan
 * Strip Chart to plot recent history of Process Variables
 * EPICS Instruments to help organise EPICS Process Variables
 * Sample Stage - a GSECARS-specific GUI for moving a set of
   motors for a sample stage, grabbing microscope images and
   saving named positions
 * Motor Setup - to configure EPICS Motors.
 * Ion Chamber - synchrotron-beamline specific application
   to calculate absored and transmitted flux in photons/sec
   and write back to EPICS Process Variables.
 * XRF Collector - interact with a small EPICS database to
   collect data from a multi-element flourescence detector.

Neil Williams

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