Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

I intent to package `ttf-kochi-gothic' and `ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10'
High-Quality Free Japanese TrueType Font (Gothic).  and I also intent
to package `ttf-kochi-mincho' and `ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10'
High-Quality Free Japanese TrueType Font (Mincho).

 Previously I intented to package ttf-kochi, but I would divide into 2
 packages gothic and mincho version.  ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho}-naga10
 is original author's version which includes non-free hinting
 information file `naga10' (see xfonts-naga10).  I removed non-free
 parts from ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic}-naga10 and made
 ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic} which meets DFSG. Totally I intent to
 package 4 packages.

 ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic,mincho-naga10,gothic-naga10} is high
 quality, free, mincho/gothic Japanese TrueType font.  Its face is
 very smooth and beautiful compared with current free Japanese
 TrueType fonts. It has hinting information, so it's beautiful and no
 jagged to display on the CRT.  This font is suitable for both
 printing and displaying Japanese characters.

     (In Japanese)

 ttf-kochi-gothic: Public Domain.
 ttf-kochi-mincho: Public Domain.
  (Original upstream author's ttf font includes xfonts-naga10
   hinting information. xfonts-naga10's bdf fonts are non-free,
   so I remove all non-free part of ttf data. I contacted with 
   upstream author, he said that if these non-free part were
   removed, this font became apparently public domain font).

 ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10: Naga10 Font License (non-free).
 ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10: Naga10 Font License (non-free).
  (Original upstream author's font. It adds xfonts-naga10 
   hinting information, and its license stands on naga10 font
   license (see xfonts-naga10)).

-- GOTO Masanori

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