I built a debian package of the nvrec tools. They can be found on 

deb http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~mleeman/debian unstable/


currently, the binaries are:
. divx4rec
. nuvrec
. ffmpegrec
. timer

If you use the tools, you will notice the small caps, so if you are
using transcode in combination, you might want to put simlinks:

$ ln -s divx4rec DIVX4rec
$ ln -s nuvrec NUVrec
$ ln -s ffmpegrec FFMPEGrec

the manpages are based on the stderr messages when running the commands
without any valid input (I intend to add some examples in following

I welcome remarks and experiences on the packages (use the e-mail
provided in the package, or even better, send it to:

       greetz, marc
BOFH excuse #266:

All of the packets are empty.
pgp Key ID: 0xD3562DE1
     Key fingerprint = 890C E47F 1589 F240 9CC8  C60C 510A 63D3 D356 2DE1
Linux mykene 2.4.19-pre4 #1 Tue Apr 2 22:47:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown

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