On Fri, 25 Apr 2003, Kevin McMahon wrote:

> Paul,
> I was wondering what the status of your port of autoinstall-ia64 was?  Is it 
> going to be released any time soon?

Hi Kevin,

 I just heard from Progeny this week that the future of autoinstall is 
uncertain.  It will most likely be replaced by a completely new solution.  
Unless I get updated information from them to the contrary, I will 
probably close this ITP.  

If you are still interested in autoinstall, I can send you my work so far 
although it suffers the same problem as bug #169249  (problems w/ latest 



|             Paul Telford | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.droflet.net            |
| "By trying, we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's,    |
|  I mean."  -- Mark Twain                                                 |

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