Ar 03/01/2004 am 17:59, ysgrifennodd Joe Wreschnig:
> Hi Masato, Dafydd,
> What's the status of this ITP? Are either of you working on packages /
> going to make an upload soon?
> It seems that Hiroshi IGARASHI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has made some
> Ruby-GNOME2 packages available at Are either
> of you working with those?
> Upstream seems very active, the platform seems reasonably mature, and
> the above packages have been working for me.

I was unaware of Hiroshi's packages when I started working on my own.
I'm hoping to have my packages uploaded  soon, once I've had them reviewed by
some experienced developers. There are some differences
between my packages and Hiroshi's: mine includes the libgda binding, is
slightly more up-to-date (0.8.1 vs. 0.8.0), and I think mine comply with
policy a little more. (For example, Hiroshi's source packages do not
seperate his packaging work into a patch.) On the other hand, Hiroshi
has packages for Woody/ruby 1.6, whereas I've only been aiming at sid
and ruby 1.8.

I am not a Debian developer (yet). Feedback would be appreciated.

The latest version of my package (0.8.1-1) are available at


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