Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


"It's quite generic; all you need is a directory with a bunch of files,
one file per (problem,answer) pair, and a program that will display the
problem and answer. GQuiz just randomizes the order of the questions,
eliminates consecutive repetitions (except for the last question), and
keeps track of which ones you've gotten right "enough" times to
eliminate (temporarily) from the collection, allowing you to focus on
the ones you're finding more difficult and ones you haven't seen yet."

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"Minä laulan rakkaudesta. Olen onnen ylkämiesi. Tulen joka taloon kuin
kirkkoon hattu kädessä, sydän kurkussa. Kuka tahtoisi lukea runoa, kun se runo
on kirjoittamatta? Tuli istuu kasvoillani. Kivinen naamio, kivinen haamu." CMX

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