I'm including this link just for the recored, if someone will do a query
about this license.

qouting http://techweb.rfa.org/pipermail/portaudio/2004-November/003942.html
---- begin qoute ----

Hello Dave

The second bullet point is simply a polite request. From the point of view
of encouraging people to contribute to our project we like the current
wording -- in the sense that we want people to understand that we are making
it a condition that they are politely requested. But from a legal point of
view we intend for the use of the word "request" to be a request only, and
not a condition.

It's not clear what form a "license clarification" would take if this email
is not sufficient, so you may need to find this out from Debian (would they
need us to change the wording of the license?).

Best wishes

Ross Bencina
PortAudio founder.
---- end qoute ----

Lior Kaplan

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