Bug#780270: RFA: qemuctl -- controlling GUI for qemu

2015-04-04 Thread Antti Järvinen
retitle 780270 ITA: qemuctl -- controlling GUI for qemu owner 780270 ! thanks Hello, I want to adopt the package qemuctl. There will be a bug-report against package sponsorship-requests shortly. -- Antti Järvinen inline.txt.asc Description: inline-signed version of the message

Bug#780270: RFA: qemuctl

2015-03-11 Thread Tobias Frost
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Well, one can see that qemuctl has aged and is probably near its end of its lifecycle. Upstream is also very quiet so the best idea would be to file an RM-type bug instead of an RFA. However, has a inst popcon of around 500, so maybe this frontend is still of use