Your message dated Fri, 03 Apr 2015 23:52:49 -0400
with message-id <3894484.Rub3INl72I@kitterma-e6430>
and subject line Already Packaged
has caused the Debian Bug report #781870,
regarding ITP: ply -- Python implementation of the common parsing tools lex and 
to be marked as done.

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--- Begin Message ---
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Scott Kitterman <>

* Package name    : ply
  Version         : 3.4
  Upstream Author : David M. Beazley (Dabeaz LLC)
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Python implementation of the common parsing tools lex and 

 python-ply is a 100% Python implementation of the common parsing tools lex and
 yacc. Here are a few highlights:
  * very closely modeled after traditional lex/yacc.
  * provides *very* extensive error reporting and diagnostic information to
    assist in parser construction.
  * provides full support for empty productions, error recovery, precedence
    specifiers, and moderately ambiguous grammars.
  * based on LR-parsing which is fast, memory efficient, better suited to large
    grammars, and has a number of nice properties when dealing with syntax
    errors and other parsing problems. Builds its parsing tables using the LALR
    algorithm used in yacc.
  * uses Python introspection features to build lexers and parsers. This greatly
    simplifies the task of parser construction since it reduces the number of
    files and eliminates the need to run a separate lex/yacc tool before running
    your program.
  * can be used to build parsers for "real" programming languages. Athough not
    ultra-fast due to its Python implementation, can be used to parse grammars
    consisting of several hundred rules (as might be found for a language like
    C). The lexer and LR parser are also reasonably efficient when parsing
    typically sized programs.

The package will be maintained in the DPMT.  It is a dependency of another
package I plan to upload.  If anyone else is interested in this, please let me
know and I'll add you to uploaders.

It supports (and will be packaged for) both python and python3.

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Already in the archive.

Scott K

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