Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Markus Koschany <>

* Package name    : pygame-sdl2
  Version         : 6.99.8
  Upstream Author : Patrick Dawson, Tom Rothamel
* URL             :
* License         : LGPL-2.1, zlib
  Programming Lang: Python, C
  Description     : reimplementation of the Pygame API using SDL2

Pygame_sdl2 is a reimplementation of the Pygame API using SDL2 and
related libraries. The initial goal of this project is to allow games
written using the Pygame API to run on SDL2 on desktop and mobile
platforms. The API will be evolved to expose SDL2-provided
functionality in a pythonic manner.

Pygame_sdl2 is a new build-dependency for renpy, a programming language
and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games.
It will be maintained within the Debian Games team.

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