Hi! Is someone from the PkgPrivacyMaintainers team interested / willing to help get corridor into Debian?
I got a working prototype of a Debian package which is almost free of lintian warnings. [1] [2] [3] There are just some remaining --pedantic lintian warnings that are fixable. First questions... 1) I: corridor source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 3 https://github.com/adrelanos/corridor/blob/debian_new/debian/copyright Any idea what is wrong in the debian/copyright file? 2) Would a combined manpage, i.e. 'man corridor', symlinked to the individual command names (corridor-init-forwarding, corridor-init-snat, ...) be acceptable by Debian policy and otherwise or should a separate man page per binary be provided? Cheers, Patrick [1] https://github.com/rustybird/corridor/issues/10 [2] https://github.com/adrelanos/corridor/tree/debian_new [3] hhtts://github.com/rustybird/corridor/compare/master...adrelanos:debian_new?expand=1