On Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 12:39:39PM +0100, jEsuSdA wrote:
> Package: compiz
> Version:
> Severity: wishlist
> Please, reconsider to re-include Compiz on the official repositories.
> There are a group of mantainers that are achieved to mantain compiz for 
> Debian.
> http://compiz-debian.tuxfamily.org/
> Maybe support them re-including theyr packages into Debian, could be a good 
> way
> to bring this nice compositing manager to all Debian users.
> I've tested it and it works nice on debian Testing.

There is https://bugs.debian.org/722451 but that 1. talks about compiz 0.9
which is a complete rewrite, 2. is stalled since forever.

I'd recommend you or that new team to follow the usual procedure for
introducing new (or returning) packages.  If you need help, the
debian-ment...@lists.debian.org list can render assistance.  Once the
packages are ready for upload, you can ask for sponsored uploads by filing
RFS bugs -- a process that until recently took months or longer but has
greatly improved since.

Because of stretch freeze coming very soon, I'd recommend hurry.

It is great to hear the classic branch of compiz having a new upstream, and
they appear to be active, too!  Because of divergences with Ubuntu's compiz,
I'd suggest renaming it to reduce confusion, just like Gnome2 became Mate as
its regular upstream became, uhm, peculiar.  I see the git repository is
already named "compiz-reloaded".

A MAP07 (Dead Simple) raspberry tincture recipe: 0.5l 95% alcohol, 1kg
raspberries, 0.4kg sugar; put into a big jar for 1 month.  Filter out and
throw away the fruits (can dump them into a cake, etc), let the drink age
at least 3-6 months.

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