Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I intend to orphan the hamster-applet package.

The package description is:
 Project Hamster helps you to keep track of how much time you spend on various
 activities during the day.  Whenever you move from one task to another, you
 change your current activity in the GNOME applet.
 It can present graphical statistics of how long you have spent on each task,
 and may be useful for project management or keeping employee timesheets.

The current version in Debian is hopelessly outdated. The upstream
project has been dormant for years but was recently rebooted. The new
upstream project can be found at

Updating hamster would mean a complete overhaul of the packaging. As
there is apparently not enough interest to do that within the Debian
GNOME team, I'm orphaning the package, hoping someone will take over the

The old history can be found at [1].



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