* Christoph Biedl: " Re: [tryton-debian] Bug#877849: Namespace conflict for
  python-magic" (Mon, 15 Jan 2018 09:37:51 +0100):

Hi Christoph,

> Mathias Behrle wrote...
> > I found
> >
> > $ apt-cache rdepends python-magic  
> (...)
> Yeah, I already had checked a few of them where possible with little
> efforts. These were the test I had been talking of (actually, including
> python3-magic rdeps as well).
> > May be we should signal them explicitely to test the new package in
> > experimental? What do you think?  
> My plan is to send a call for testing to debian-devel once python-magic
> has been accepted. It shouldn't hurt to add the dd-list output for these
> packages. That would be 27 addresses. I might be convinced to send out
> individual notices - but I think that's exaggerting. Odds for bugs are
> fairly low, and there's still a lot of time until the buster freeze to
> detect and fix them.
>     Christoph, it's called "unstable" for a reason

JFTR: relatorio_0.8.0-1~exp1 was just built and uploaded. It builds against 
python-magic (>=2:0.4.15-1~exp1) and all tests are passing succesfully.



    Mathias Behrle
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