Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

As I am no longer working on Scilab, I intend to orphan the scilab-ann package.

The package description is:
 This module implements artificial neural networks capabilities
 into the Scilab language.
 Current features are:
  * Only layered feedforward networks are supported *directly* at the moment
    (for others use the "hooks" provided)
  * Unlimited number of layers
  * Unlimited number of neurons per each layer separately
  * User defined activation function (defaults to logistic)
  * User defined error function (defaults to SSE)
  * Algorithms implemented so far:
    * standard (vanilla) with or without bias, on-line or batch
    * momentum with or without bias, on-line or batch
    * SuperSAB with or without bias, on-line or batch
    * Conjugate gradients
    * Jacobian computation
    * Computation of result of multiplication between "vector" and Hessian
  * Some helper functions provided


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