Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : loccount
  Version         : 1.2
  Upstream Author : Eric S. Raymond <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD 2-Clause
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Count SLOC (source lines of code) in a source tree.

This tool counts source lines of code (SLOC) in a directory tree,
auto-detecting the language in each source file and omitting
whitespace and comments accoding to the language's syntax. It then
reports SLOC broken out by language, and a total, in either
eyeball-friendly text or JSON for postprocessing.

loccount's target audience is software developers. It is useful for
auditing code complexity growth over time, codebase size comparisons,
and defect projections. It can do COCOMO 1 cost estimation.

The design was inspired by David Wheeler's well-known 'sloccount'
tool, (which is packaged in Debian) but is more than an order of
magnitude faster and supports twice as many languages.  Unlike
sloccount it has no runtime dependencies. It has a comprehensive test
suite. It could replace sloccount, and probably should.

To my knowledge no packages rely on it.  It is well-tested, stable
code with a low release frequency

I am the author.  I am seeking a package maintainer.

  • Bug#922810: RFP: loccount -- Count SLOC (source lines of c... Eric S. Raymond

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