Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name : google-auto-java Version : 1.0/1.0/1.7.1/0.10 Upstream Author : Google Inc. * URL : * License : Apache 2.0 Programming Lang: Java Description : Collection of source code generators for Java.
Java is full of code that is mechanical, repetitive, typically untested, and sometimes the source of subtle bugs. Sounds like a job for robots! The Auto subprojects are a collection of code generators that automate those types of tasks. They create the code you would have written, but without the bugs. Save time. Save code. Save sanity. ********** It's likely that this would be better packaged as 4 distinct packages: google-auto-factory-java, google-auto-service-java, google-auto-value-java, and google-common-java. That decision is left to the adopter. ********** Dear Prospective Packager, This package is part of the dependency chain for medical and scientific community resources that the Debian Med team has identified as relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are able to participate in this endeavor [1], your assistance is greatly appreciated! -Olek On behalf of the Debian Bazel Team [1]