Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
The official webCDwriter Homepage can be found at:
Licence: GPL

Description: Network CD Writing
 webCDwriter can be used to make a single CD-writer available
 to the users in your network. It consists of the server CDWserver
 and the clients webCDcreator and rcdrecord.
 CDWserver stores the files transmitted by the clients, reserves
 the CD-writer and controls the CD-writer using cdrecord.
 webCDcreator is a Java applet that runs within your browser
 (Netscape, IE, ?), assists you when putting together a CD
 and transmits the files.
 Finally rcdrecord is a command line client that trys to offer
 the functionality of cdrecord over the network (not complete yet).

A first version of the package will soon be available from


Dipl.-Ing. Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Debian GNU/Linux -
                   taz muss sein. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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