Hi all,
finally I've found a little bit of time to think about a new round of IRC
First of all, I'd like to ask you what is your feelings about doing it, your
impression (bad or good) about the last cycle of sessions (regarding both
organization and the sessions) and if you have some particular
ideas/desiderata/needs for the future sessions.

In other words: I'd like to have some feedbacks to improve the whole thing.
Of course, if you haven't nothing to say it's also ok.

Then my proposal: it is - as the word says - only a *proposal*, an idea. 
I'll be glad to review it with all of you, and to work on any other with you.

My idea is to give a precise identity to this new round of sessions, with a
specific track and title: I'd like to create a *series* of talk, with a
clearly recognizable thread.
More specifically I've thought of two different series, each distinguished
by a title. The sessions will be weekly and we could alternate the sessions
from the two series on a weekly base. 

Below my first draft:


2 series, 1 for week alternate. 

1. "Ask the ...": regards organization and structure of Debian Project;
                typical session of this serie: explain what exactly the
                speaker does according to constitution, foklore, personal
                experience + question and answer session
Possible sessions for this serie: Ask the DPL (the idea of the title come 
from zack!), Ask the DAM, Ask the DSA, Ask the (president of) CTTE, Ask the

I'd find interesting an introductory session (before the start of this serie)
about "The Debian Project, organization and history" (maybe by Biella

2. "One day with ...":  regards technical aspects of core and some of main
                        teams in Debian. This is more similar to the last
                        December sessions: a review of a technical task done
                        by the team during their daily work. Maybe with a
                        using a shell visible by the attendees.

Possible sessions: Perl team (the idea of the title come from gregoa!), Kde
team (Ana?), Webmaster team, Publicity team (Meike?), Games team (Miriam?),
i18n (Christian! your turn!), QA team (seems interesting), ...


As you've probably noted, I've tried to put some more women into the sessions
as trainers than the last December. IMO is very important to have women as
speaker especially because this is an event organized by Debian Women.

So, this is my idea, and if you are ok with this I can start to organize the
schedule and try to find speakers immediately. 

Obviously, if you want to organize it with me, I'll be super happy ;)

Cheers (and sorry for the super-long mail)


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