Keith Harbaugh wrote:
> On Wed, 1999-11-10 at 09:48:30 +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Keith Harbaugh wrote:
> > > Sounds good; clarifies the procedure quite well.
> > > And the procedure seems quite reasonable.
> > > 
> > > But doesn't this really belong in one of the Policy documents
> > > (I forget which one), where it talks about mailing lists?
> > > When I thought about forming the debian-security list,
> > > the Policy manuals were the first place I turned for guidance
> > > (but didn't find any).
> > 
> > I don't think this belongs into the policy manual because that covers
> > the distribution.  The list project addresses projects issue.  It
> > could be included into a major "Guide to the Debian Project" that
> > would have need to be written. :)
> > 
> Sorry, I should have referenced the Debian Developer's Reference
> by Adam Di Carlo et al, Section 4.1, Mailing lists.
> Also, a nit-pick:  in your item 8, should not the reference be to 7
> rather than 6?

He's right.  Though, please change item 8 as follows.  We might
get a LISTS command at some time, so every list should have a
short description.

   8. Short description

      Will appear at .

Let's call it an accidental feature.  --Larry Wall

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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