Re: missing ending HTML tags in /english/doc/obsolete.wml

2010-04-07 Thread Simon Paillard
Hi Simon, On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 12:19:12AM +0200, Simon Linden wrote: > as mentioned in this document > > [ ] > > ...We intend to move on to XHTML, however, so all web editors are > > strongly encouraged to write the HTML tags in lowercase, plac

missing ending HTML tags in /english/doc/obsolete.wml

2010-04-07 Thread Simon Linden
Hello, as mentioned in this document [ ] > ...We intend to move on to XHTML, however, so all web editors are > strongly encouraged to write the HTML tags in lowercase, place ending > tags where appropriate, etc., in order to make the transition a

Termination of deadbeat seller list here in the Debian community Brazil.

2010-04-07 Thread Thiago Ponce
Hello, I'm Thiago Ponce, 29, Fortaleza (Ceará) and I write to report that the seller's site listed here among vendors of Debian distributions are practicing default. Selling and giving and not giving any satisfaction. I myself am a victim of this act and complain be

Mixx: Your friend has invited you to join Mixx!

2010-04-07 Thread Mixx
Your friend has invited you to join Mixx! To register, please click the following link, or paste it in your browser: - Your friends at Mixx -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subj

El Mayor Encuentro Empresarial de Mexico

2010-04-07 Thread K . L . A . Eventos Empresariales
Olá , Este programa não permite a visualização de mensagens formatadas (com cores, imagens e links), portanto solicitamos que você copie o texto abaixo, e cole no campo "Endereço" do seu navegador.,247445,6816ad5e,cb9a Para garantir que nossas

Matching IT Grant Available for Non-profits

2010-04-07 Thread jbertolo
Hi, is there someone in your organization that we can talk to regarding IT?We are a socially conscious web design and media firm. We wanted to share with you that during our last 1 for 1 grant match campaign we allocated more than $450,000 helping more than 256 organizations upgrade their websit

Mercado Inmobiliario - Ventas - Alquiler Tradicional o Temporario - Hoteles - C abañas - Construcción

2010-04-07 Thread ECPS_Gestion_Informatica
Si su actividad comercial esta dentro del alguno de estos rubros, lo invitamos a conocer nuestros productos haciendo click en el link correspondiente a su negocio. Alquiler y venta de inmuebles: Alquileres Temporarios: Hoteles y Cabañ

Bug#352483: marked as done (link broken on

2010-04-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Your message dated Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:10:25 +0200 with message-id <> and subject line Link fixed has caused the Debian Bug report #352483, regarding link broken on to be marked as done. This means that you claim that the probl