Looking for website developer

2020-01-23 Thread farukkhanhg
I've invited you to fill out the following form: Untitled form To fill it out, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNZdKXr970dsNh-J0e_ZpgiZCf99jEeuXnMXs0M3HU2bsmyw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link Hi,he...@tenacretrading.com.au I hope you are doing well We are a trusted we

installation-guide for testing

2020-01-23 Thread Holger Wansing
Hi, we have the installation-guide available for testing at the website now (say the version built from the latest source package in UNSTABLE). This is now built automatically, when a new installation-guide package is uploaded. In fact, the same counts for stable, so we have now two different v