IT Services, Medhurst Communications Ltd, UK




We have Debian running on almost 50 production servers; a number that is
growing every week.  We offer a variety of solutions utilising the
Debian platform (including web content filtering, firewall services,
anti-spam services, web hosting, mail hosting, routing and VPN
tunnelling, among others) that provide a secure and stable platform for
all of our customers subscribing to our services.


We looked at a number of Linux distributions before settling on Debian.
It was not a tough decision to make in the end, Debian offered the
perfect balance between security, stability and ease of administration.
Debian allowed us to expand on our predominantly Microsoft focused
customer base in ways that were no possible without investing in bespoke
applications and/or hardware.  While Microsoft products have their many
advantages, rarely are you able to build beyond what is on offer out of
the box.  Linux made this possible and Debian made this process very,
very simple indeed.

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