Hey guys,

Debian is awesome. There isn't really much more to say about it. I currently run Ubuntu 15.04 and Elementary OS 0.3 on all of my machines, and was hoping to expand that to 3 OS's. I wanted the third to also be Debian based, because well, Debian, so I went to this website to see what else I could find: https://www.debian.org/misc/children-distros. I noticed an OS missing from the list, and thought I would point it out. Elementary OS is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. So technically Elementary OS is based on Debian (aside from the beautiful GUI, I see little difference between it and Ubuntu). I wasn't sure if you purposely left it out, or if it just never made it to the list, but I thought I would point it out just in case.

Mateo Abascal

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