
     Madkom Ltd. (Madkom Sp. z o.o.), Poland


     Organization type: commercial


     Home page link:  http://www.madkom.pl/

  4. The company uses the Debian operating system for reasons of ease
     of implementation
     both in the same company, and customers

     Our applications, available through the SaaS, as well as
     traditional model,
     use the Debian server system.

     The decision was based on the selection of additional expandable
     components, availability of distribution, a regular cycle for
     issuing amendments, stability and support solutions for a wide
     range of equipment for a dedicated server solutions.

Yours Sincerely

Mikołaj Laguna-Horodniczy
Marketing Manager

Madkom Sp. z o.o.
Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98
81-451 GDYNIA
tel +48(58) 712 60 20
mob. +48 791 231 101
fax. +48(58) 698 21 62
Spółka zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym Gdańsk Północ,
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego,
pod numerem KRS 0000230022.
NIP 586-21-43-912,
REGON 220026390
Kapitał zakładowy 100.000,00 PLN

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