You may be familiar with a variety of fingerprint locks on the market and 
already know most have an industrial look and many do not perform well for 
Good news!  The BioKnob is a new generation lock designed for the upscale home 
and consumer.  It is the only biometric lock designed, manufactured and 
supported by a US company.
It has the smallest footprint and comes in a beautiful, finely finished gold or 
silver color.  It is weather resistant and loaded with features.  
Best of all, it recognizes fingerprints of children, elderly and others with 
difficult fingerprints. (You just brush your finger across the sensing strip; 
no worries about finger positioning angles, movement during scanning, dirty 
scanning windows, etc.)
The BioKnob™ is a spectacular first product from the design team of Tychi 
Systems, leap frogging all other fingerprint-activated door locks on the market 
in terms of form and function. See details in the Product Section. 
The BioLever™ is a second product from the design team of Tychi Systems, with 
ADA compliance and maintaining the same functionality as the BioKnob. See 
details in the Product Section.
The BioFire™ is a third product from the design team of Tychi Systems, with 
curved-in handle for fire safety and ADA compliance and maintaining the same 
functionality as the BioKnob and BioLever. See details in the Product Section.

Tychi System is currently setting up dealers and distributors in the North 
America and overseas. Contact Gary Kut at Tychi Systems to learn about start up 
offers for new dealers:  Tychi Systems, 50A Northwestern Dr., Salem, NH 03079,, 603-898-9244, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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