Hi dwn.  #363532 was filed 19 Apr., 2006, and it's still extant.  Now,
it's causing me some trouble too.  My old ISP went belly-up a while
back.  I've got a non-functional password here for wiki.debian.org,
and the "I've forgotten my password.  Please mail it to me." button
sends it to my old (non-functional) email address.

How can I login and fix the erroneous info on
wiki.debian.org/StephenKeeling, without creating a new (bogus) acct?
The wiki has no information as to where to send administrative

I've sent mail to at least one prominently placed wikier (Jeroen) but
that was either ignored or missed.  Is there anything like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which could mediate stuff like this?  Hell, I'd
even volunteer to be on that list if it would help.

Couldn't we come up with a better way of handling corner cases like
this, perhaps as in accepting that mail signed with my private gnupg
key received *from anywhere* will make the wiki respond to that email

ISPs get hit by a bus, from time to time, just like the rest of us.
Tying "identity" to something as ephemeral as an email address seems a
little hokey.  Surely we can do better than this.

No, I do not want to tie my identity to yet another ephemeral entity
(such as a gmail acct).  I'd like to improve this system, not
perpetuate it.

Thanks for your time, and thanks one [EMAIL PROTECTED] of a lot for all your
efforts on the part of Debian.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                         Please don't Cc: me.
- -

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