On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 04:24:36PM -0500, James A. Treacy wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 09:00:35PM +0100, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
> > By the way: shouldn't the index.wml in releases be changed now that potato
> > is frozen? If the 'active' generation of text about frozen does not work,
> > why not change it into static content? After all, releases don't happen that
> > often...
> > I can make the changes for you, if you like.
> > 
> I believe he files under releases/ are maintained by the boot floppies
> group. We really need to coordinate better with them and the doc
> group. Is someone willing to join either (or both) groups and see
> how we can better coordinate?

Actually I'm already on both groups :-)
I'm not a Debian developer, just a translator, but if that wouldn't be an
obstacle, I could try to do this.
I'll ask on debian-boot if someone really wishes to do the work, but I guess
they have enough problems developing the floppies, and I think I have enough
knowledge to do the work.


Marcin Owsiany

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