Dear Councel,


I will like to know if you will be able to help me in an injury settlement with 
my former employer. the injury occured due to their degligence. They have 
agreed an out of court settlement. i have since signed the agreement but only 
recieved the amount of  $50,000.00 out of the settlement. I am seeking the help 
of your law firm to help me file a litigation lawsuit. They have agreed to pay 
me the money. but have been inconsistant with the date. I believe that with the 
help of your law firm they will be willing to pay in order to avoid litigation.

I will like to recieve your retainer agreement so that i can review the terms 
of your service, sign it and send back to you.

My name is Michael Park and my email address 


My Telephone number is :815055348061

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