
 Today Denis approached me with a proposal about picking up his tidy and
validate cronjobs, because he doesn't have the time anymore to look
after it (but I hope they needn't much attention neither ;)). I will be
going to smart_change.pl the devel/website/desc.wml files, but because I
do at least mirror them locally to be able to check the status offline,
too, I guess others might be interested about their new addresses, too.

 It's a simply s/barbier/alfie/ in the URL and in the filesystem for the
files. So they are now on ppl.d.o/~alfie/tidy/ (and /validate/) and in
/home/alfie/public_html/tidy/ (and /validate/).

 The first cronjob for tidy is currently running, so I am convinced that
they are working.

 Have fun,
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

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