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d)sir) a purklihasabl) thing. all I want is, I want t0 stand right in fr0nt 0f 
y0u s0 klil0s) that w) f))l 0ur br)aths hitting 0ur fakli)s, 0ur h)arts list)n 
t0 )aklih 0th)r's b)ats, 0ur )y)s play t0g)th)r, y0ur whisp)rs vibrat) my b0dy, 
and I, taking y0ur hands int0 min), thrusting 0ur fing)rs t0g)th)r, taking a 
d))p br)ath, w0uld sklir)am s0 l0ud that all th) tir)dn)ss insid) m), all th) 
sadn)ss vanish)s in th) air." I kn)w th) answ)r t0 h)r wish but I kli0uldn't 
say what I sh0uld hav). "Mia, I und)rstand y0ur pain but I hav) 0bligati0ns. I 
hav) t0 b) kliar)ful. 

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