
I have a laptop with a TM Crusoe TM5800 and ATi mobility M and have been
experiencing this same problem (albeit with Fedora Core 1 -- sorry for
posting here but i haven't found any other mention of it on the web and
thought the info might be handy to others)

I've compiled XFree86 4.3.0 with the following compiler flags,
-march=i386 -mcpu=i386 -O0 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions,
and my system has now been running without a hitch for 19 days (i was
usually getting the "BadLength error" after only 2 to 4 hours after
every reboot when using the stock Fedora XF86 rpms).

NB: Around the code at line 241 of
XFree86-4.3.0/xc/extras/Mesa/src/glapi.c I had to comment out the
following in order to successfully compile with -O0 (gcc was complaining
about running out of registers): 

if (use_cmpxchg8b)
for (p = _gl_entrypoint_templ + 4; p < _gl_end_table; p += 4) {
__asm __volatile ("lock; cmpxchg8b %0"
: "=m" (p[0]), "=m" (p[1]), "=a" (tmp1), "=d" (tmp2)
: "m" (p[0]), "m" (p[1]), "a" (p[0]), "d" (p[1]),
"b" (_gl_entrypoint_templ[0]),
"c" (c | (p[1] & 0xffff0000))
: "cc");

You can download my custom FC1 rpms from here:

(i know this is of little relevance but at least it might help some
fedora newbies like me get their laptops working)


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