(Please CC me, I'm not on the list)

First of all, congratulations on getting Xorg 7 into unstable! I
upgraded last night without any major hitches... Save one minor
annoyance... my x-cursor-theme isn't being honoured. Hardly a critical
bug, but seeing that black pointer with the white outline again. The
memories :)

Here's the story:
-I use KDE and KDM as the login manager.
-I installed 'gtk2-engines-industrial' basically for the jimmac
cursors, and update-alternatives support
-I can 'update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme'
-I can select '/usr/share/themes/Industrial/cursor.theme'
-All I get is the default black with white outline theme for KDM and
the user desktops.

Upon upgrading to Xorg 7 the cursor theme immediately reverted to the
'black with white outline theme'. update-alternatives didn't change it
back. I can manually select the theme from kcontrol/peripherals/mouse,
and it will work for the given user. This isn't an option for KDM,
without the power of google and rummaging around config files. The
only reason why I have 'gtk2-engines-industrial' installed is for the
'update-alternatives' support goodness- so I was kind of fond of this

I'm not sure if this is an Xorg bug, or gtk2-engines-industrial bug...
But it is defiantly related to the transition, so I'm nagging you :)

Thanks again to the folks who packaged Xorg 7- Cheers!


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