Comment's inline.
IS - Systems Eng. (Karl Drugge) writes:
Nice tool. I can see a lot of time went into it. Very configurable, lots
of options.
I'd like to make a suggestion, though. Most of my people just want a
quick and dirty report with just one button click. Is
You should use the 32bit version its much faster and may be more stable for
you. Here is the cfg line I use. Of course update the scanner number for
your configuration.
[Also I believe Darrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is working on
a mrtg ver of a virus analyzer which does this and more... No idea
of a release date - ]
For the most part its done. I just havent posted it to the web site yet
because I havent had a chance to create documentation for it. I wil
What is your time table on this? If you can wait a couple days I will add
virus graphing to the mrtg stuff I already make available. I would have it
sooner, but I am just trying to wrap up the final touches on DLAnalyzer 4.0
which I hope to have out sometime over the next day or two.
This would be a great benefit as in times when a large volume of mail comes
in I often see several "scan.exe" from mcafee listed taking 20% cpu. Where
as my other scanner (F-Prot) hardly ever pops up in the task manager. It
would be nice to have all virus processing stop when F-Prot finds a vi
When running multiple scanners is their a way to prevent the other
configured virus scanners from scanning the message if the first virus
scanner finds a virus?
Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utili
The BOUNCE action was changed to "BOUNCEONLYIFYOUMUST" in the newer
Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude And
Imail. IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, MRTG I
If your looking for a reporting tool that can generate that type of report
as well as many other types of reporting including domain breakdowns and
user breakdowns. In addition to the ability to automate and email those
reports... Please check out DLAnalyzer...