It's amazing what can happen when one little letter is changed.
I moved the virus scanner to a different maching Sunday and failed to change
the location of the F-Prot executable.
The log file told the story.

"05/27/2003 00:05:08 Qf20211a Scanned: Error starting scanner
05/27/2003 00:05:11 Qf20608c Your virus scanner DOES NOT EXIST (at
D:\Progra~1\FSI\F-Prot\fpcmd.exe /ALL /SILENT /NOMEM /NOBOOT
/REPORT=report.txt d:\IMail\spool\Df20608c.vir\); NOT SCANNING ATTACHMENTS!

Sorry to have been so slow but thanks for the help.

Best Regards,

[South Texas Internet scanned this E-mail for viruses using Declude Virus]

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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