> How can I take the .smd file in quarantine and expand it again so 
> I can test a change to the failing scanner?  It could have been a 
> lag in the signature updates for that scanner or perhaps some 
> other problem that is more easily observed outside of the
> SMTP/IMail/Declude environment.
To answer my own question... <G>

While it may not be a perfect solution, I've attached a Perl program
that's working well enough for me.  Using this I was able to figure
out why F-Prot wasn't detecting viruses that the other scanners were

I'm using ActiveState Perl and the MIME::Tools package fetched with PPM.
The program is called using a command like:

$ perl mime.pl D:\imail\spool\virus\Dc60213a600eaa764.SMD

You will need to edit the program to change the scanner lines to
match the SCANFILE line(s) in your virus.cfg.  You can also change
the name of the temporary directory.


Brad Morgan

Attachment: mime.pl
Description: Perl program

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