Delphi 7 + IBX + FB 1. Pessoal, como descobrir se houve algum erro durante o evento de restore abaixo 2. Um simples Try/Except resvolveria para tratar os erros no evento abaixo?
Um abraço, Valdir Marcos procedure TMainForm.BackupBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin with IBRestoreService begin BuMemo.Lines.Clear; try ShowWait; Active := True; ServiceStart; while not EOF do begin BuMemo.Lines.Add(GetNextLine); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; finally Active := False; ShowNormal; end; //try end; //with end; IBRestoreServiceUsing IBRestoreService you can restore a backup made with IBBackupService or gbak. The following code from the sample application sets the properties required to restore the database.procedure TMainDm.SetIbRestoreProperties; begin with IBRestore do begin SetCommonProperties(IBRestore); Verbose := True; DatabaseName.Clear; DatabaseName.Add(IbDbPath + IbDbName); BackupFile.Clear; BackupFile.Add(IbDbPath + IbDbBackup); end; //with end; Note that unlike IBBackupService the DatabaseName property of IBRestoreService is of type TStrings so you can create a multi-file database as part of the restore operation. You can also set the PageSize and PageBuffers properties if you want the page size or cache size of the restored database to differ from the original. In addition, the Options property provides all of the options provided by gbak as shown in the following table.DeactivateIndexes Do not rebuild indexes during the restore. NoShadow Do not recreate database shadow files. NoValidityCheck Do not restore data constraints. OneRelationAtATime Restore the metadata and data for each table together. Replace Overwrite the exiting database. CreateNewDb Create a new database file. UseAllSpace Does not reserve space on each data page for record versions. Useful for restoring a read-only database to make it as small as possible. The following code is the OnClick event for the Restore Database button.procedure TMainForm.RestoreBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin with MainDm.IBRestore do begin BuMemo.Lines.Clear; try ShowWait; Active := True; ServiceStart; while not EOF do BuMemo.Lines.Add(GetNextLine); finally Active := False; ShowNormal; end; //try end; //with end; This code is virtually identical to the code used to backup the database. Once again the Verbose property is set to True and the progress messages are added to the memo component by the while loop. [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas] -- <<<<< FAVOR REMOVER ESTA PARTE AO RESPONDER ESTA MENSAGEM >>>>> <*> Para ver as mensagens antigas, acesse: <*> Para falar com o moderador, envie um e-mail para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Links do Yahoo! Grupos <*> Para visitar o site do seu grupo na web, acesse: <*> Para sair deste grupo, envie um e-mail para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> O uso que você faz do Yahoo! Grupos está sujeito aos: