
I know that it is a final the final stretch for 0.3 so all the energy is flowing in that direction, however, as a 0.4 release is brewing, I think it is a good moment to discuss whether a Spring bridge should be included in the 0.4 release. I believe that such a module should be included now, based on the fact that Java EE 6 is gaining momentum, and a number of developers I recently encountered have asked about ways to reuse their existing Spring codebase with the newly available features in Java EE 6. It is possible to direct people to Seam Spring and such, however it is clear from the start that those libraries will need to be replaced soon.

So, I'd like to start a more in-depth discussion about features and design. An early glimpse is on the wiki page, but that is mostly providing a frame of refernence.

I plan to start the discussion over the weekend, or as early as possible next week, but IMO for it to make sense the first step is clarifying that such a module could potentially be included on the 0.4 roadmap (knowing that the roadmap for 0.4 is yet to be defined). As I said, from my point of view this is a critically important item, and can be addressed now, given how the general-purpose facilities of DeltaSpike are in place.



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