It looks like our Jenkins jobs are going to be shut down. The attached email links to instructions for how to migrate from Jenkins to Cloudbees. Infra thinks that it is a trivial exercise--and it may be for someone well versed in both continuous integration agents.

I don't feel inclined to do this migration, myself. If no-one volunteers to do this migration, then I volunteer to remove the Alpha Docs section from our Documentation page; after the migration, the alpha doc links will point no where.

Can anyone think of other changes we need to make after Jenkins is turned off?



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Jenkins instance builds.a.o being shut down 22nd August.
Date:   Sat, 15 Aug 2020 14:23:52 +0200
From:   Gavin McDonald <>
To:     Apache Infrastructure <>

Hi All PMCs,

As per the many notifications on the builds@a.o mailing list over the last
few weeks; and the big yellow banner notification on builds.a.o instance
itself, Jenkins is due to be turned off.

The original date for turning off the service was 15th August - *Today!* -
However some projects are yet to make the migration to the new server(s)
(either ci-builds.a.o for the majority or ci-hadoop.a.o for Hadoop and
related projects.)

The deadline has - for one time only - been extended to *22nd August* - so
you have 1 more week only to move your jobs.

After that, builds.a.o WILL be turned off for good and the DNS will
redirect to ci-builds.a.o.

Today I will be moving over most of the remaining agents to the new
masters, leaving just a minimal few for those that still need to migrate.

Job config xml files will be saved. However you can always grab them
yourselves at any time.

See the handy script [1] that can help you migrate all jobs at once - take
only 5 minutes! - After which tweaks may need to be done, or in most cases

[1] -

Please feel free to forward this message to your dev communities. Replies
should go to users@infra.a.o or new questions should go to builds@a.o

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