I did hear the same thing at OSCON -- that the startup of Derby, especially when it has to create the schema and load initial data -- is significantly slower than HSQL -- 20 seconds startup time instead of 1-2 for HSQL. It would be very good if we could reproduce and track down the source of this.

Daniel Noll wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Note there are suggestions Derby is slow. If anyone wants to chime in on some of this, that would be great. We don't want the "word" to get out that Derby is slow if it's based on poorly designed benchmarks or misconceptions...


Derby does have an inexplicable 8-12 second wait when creating or opening a database where HSQLDB has no noticeable wait, which doesn't hurt on a server but on a desktop client it's a bit of a problem. It really makes our unit tests grind too, since we use a fresh database for each test case.

But that being said, at runtime (which is normally what matters) we haven't encountered any noticeable slowdown using Derby over HSQLDB.

Maybe someone has some quantitative figures though, instead of these qualitative experiences.


fn:David Van Couvering
n:Van Couvering;David
org:Sun Microsystems, Inc.;Database Technology Group
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Staff Software Engineer

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