Nevermind, problem solved.

Seems the issue was that when I was connected via embedded I was supplying a path to the database, but when I connected via the server I couldn't specify the path, and there was no database in the default path. The solution was to set derby.system.home to where I wanted the database to go, and then not specify a path in either connection type.


Mike Verdone wrote:

I'm trying to set up Derby in server mode, but for some reason I can't connect to the server. The application I'm working on has two processes. The one that starts first gets an embedded connection to the database "arddb", and then spawns a server on localhost port 14502. The second process then tries to connect to the server via localhost.

The database works fine in embedded mode. I can create tables and work with data no problem. I am certain that the server has started-- for one there are no error messages, and also the error message I get when I try to connect is different than when I try to connect with no server running. The error is this: The application server rejected establishment of the connection. An attempt was made to access a database, arddb, which was not found.

How can arddb be not found when I'm working with it on the embedded connection?

I've experimented with authentication settings but as far as I can tell I don't even get that far. I created my own authenticator class that logs a message and returns true. I installed it like this:

                "'derby.authentication.provider', "
                + "'com.pason.ard.db.DbUserAuthenticator')");

No messages are logged, so I don't think I've even hit the authentication stage. The URL for the server connection is this:


and I pass user and password as fields in a Properties object when I connect.

I just don't understand why it won't let me connect. Any ideas?


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