I added the gnome-power-bugreport.sh output and the gpm.log. For the gpm.log I
entered this command: "gnome-power-manager --verbose --no-daemon 2>&1 | tee
gpm.debug.log.txt" I hope that is the correct command.
The output says the battery is present which is incorrect.
The gnome-power-bugre
** Description changed:
Binary package hint: gnome-power-manager
If Hardy, Gutsy or Feisty is booted without the battery connected to a
laptop and the battery is later inserted while the system is running
there is no "On Battery Power" tab shown in the Power Management
- Preferences. Th
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: gnome-power-manager
If Hardy, Gutsy or Feisty is booted without the battery connected to a
laptop and the battery is later inserted while the system is running
there is no "On Battery Power" tab shown in the Power Management
Preferences. The only way to m