This bug was fixed in the package evolution-data-server -
evolution-data-server (3.36.5-0ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* New stable version (lp: #1922951)
* debian/patches/git_imapx_compat.patch: cherry pick a fix needed for
compatibility with the new iClo
The 3.36.5-0ubuntu1 update is working as expected, evolution is able to
access calendar emails and contact, gnome-calendar integration is
** Tags removed: verification-needed verification-needed-focal
** Tags added: verification-done verification-done-focal
You received this bug notif
Hello Sebastien, or anyone else affected,
Accepted evolution-data-server into focal-proposed. The package will
build now and be available at
/evolution-data-server/3.36.5-0ubuntu1 in a few hours, and then in the
-proposed repository.
Please help us by testing