Public bug reported:

Affects: nautilus (Ubuntu)
       Severity: Normal
       Priority: (none set)
         Status: Unconfirmed

Double-clicking through nautilus on a file on a Samba-share, gives the 
following message:
  Do you want to run "test.txt", or display its contents?
  "test.txt" is an executable text file.
When choosing 'Display', the approriate application (gedit) will be started.
This does *not* happen when the same file is on a local drive, gedit starts 

How to reproduce this error:
1. Create a new file, test.txt on the desktop
2. Double-click, gedit should open
3. Copy file test.txt to a Samba-share
4. Point to the file using Nautilus
5. Double-click gives you an error message

Something similar happens in:
... though, it concerns Open Office.
Nautilus gives a different default action for files on a Samba-share

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