Public bug reported: Affects: meta-gnome2 gnome (Ubuntu) Severity: Normal Priority: (none set) Status: Unconfirmed
Description: I was editing some huge photos with the gimp and it had a swapping fit; I pressed various keys, clicked various things, generally did what any user does when an application hangs for a while. For some reason, gnome's "slow keys" feature turned on during all this chaos---presumably because gnome thought the shift key was held down for N seconds, I don't know---and I was totally confused when my keys became, predictably, "slow." This seems like something that could happen to dapper users. Maybe there should be a [x] Activate "slow keys" by holding down the shift key. config toggle that is off by default, or something... -- "slow keys" can turn on surrepitiously & cause confusion. -- desktop-bugs mailing list