
On Sunday, 14.03.2010, 14:33 +0100 Andre Klapper wrote:
> Better late than never a quick list of potential GNOME 2.30 blockers
> according to Bugzilla (missing any comments - sorry, no time here).
> Not necessarily complete. Feedback, updates, help are welcome.
> Please do speak up if there are important bugs that are not listed here.
> (Note that Hardcode Freeze starts this Monday at 23:59 UTC.)

I'd like to add https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=496536
about "Window borders are too small, making it difficult to resize"

This bug is quite old and obvious for many users. Apps like
gnome-terminal do not have an extra resize corner. And the
netbook-friendly themes of next Ubuntu release have vertical borders
with a visual width of only *one* pixel - nearly impossible to grab
using a touchpad. (see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/160311)

+++ Oliver
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