Really?? are you removing the middle-click-paste??

please don't do it!! tell me what I've to patch for keep it!! I'm ready
to rewrite all Wayland !!

tnks for all the job you are doing, it's really appreciate, I can say
GNOME 3 is so easy to use that also my grandmother can use it!!
but is becoming too easy for be used by me ;)

anyway thks!


On 09/24/2013 04:29 PM, Ray Morris wrote:
> Middle click got Slashdotted. Some of the comments on Slashdot may be
> of interest:
> It seems to me that one should be careful of any change that may, in a
> few cases, make things simpler for users while they are new, 
> at the expense of reducing functionality for the next 20 years, when
> they aren't new anymore.  If wanted SIMPLE interfaces, we'd 
> all use baby talk.  We use English to interface with each other
> because we want a POWERFUL interface, even if we spend a lifetime 
> discovering new ways it can be used.
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