Hi All:

At CSUN in March, Peter Parente and I sat down to talk about a unified
Python wrapper for the AT-SPI: http://live.gnome.org/GAP/PythonATSPI

The main goals were:

  * To create a single Python wrapper for AT-SPI reusable across all
    Python assistive technologies and test tools for GNOME 

  * To combine the best portions of LSR's pyLinAcc package and Orca's
    atspi module 

  * To provide a lightweight package which does not assume anything
    about the requirements of a client 

  * To hide the CORBA-isms of accessing AT-SPI through pyORBit 

  * To minimize churn if/when the AT-SPI transport layer is changed 

  * To minimize future manual maintenance as AT-SPI changes 

  * To maximize performance (e.g. caching optional, reduce roundtrips) 

  * To limit event registration to one listener and multiplex 

  * To keep naming similar to AT-SPI 

Pete went ahead, did the work (thanks Pete!) and it's now checked into
the at-spi module (thanks Li!).  We think it's ready for review by
various folks that might have an interest, including those involved with
Dogtail, LDTP and KDE.

I'm not sure if desktop-devel is the proper place for the discussion,
but let's start there and move if so pushed.  :-)


Will and Pete

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